Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Black Friday Is Coming

In next couple days we will reach a Black Friday. I suppose everyone knows what the Black Friday is. For the one know does not know yet, the Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day. Now, when is the Thanksgiving Days? This is a good question because it is different day in different country. For instant, it is the fourth Thursday of November in the US, while it is in the second Monday in October in Canada, and it is the Sunday at the end of the Harvest Festival in the UK.

And what does the Black Friday have to do with us? Well, in the US, the Black Friday is the day of the year that most people do the most shopping in RETAIL stores. And most retailers normally will open their shop very early and give a big discount on their products. As we can notice, many of big name retail stores have already promoted their stores since last week. I personally have no doubt to see a huge crowd at malls. Please prepare yourself of going out shopping. You should also start making your shopping list right now. You do not want to come back and find out that you miss something. It is a very bad idea to go back for those of your missing lists.

When there are lots of people in one limited area, you need to take a closer look of using public facilities inside. I am pretty sure that every mall provides their customers with good facilities, at least according to the law. Areas in the malls where they can be jammed include parking lots, restrooms, food courts, restaurants, etc. Sometime when you have to queue up in a long line, you get stress. So, I suggest you to relax starting when you leave your house, your office, or wherever it is for the mall. You have to think that very soon you will reach the mall and buy all stuffs you want in a very good discount rate, anything else you have to admit it. It is a very good idea to make a reservation for your dinner if you desire to eat out, though.

However, more and more people sick of racing shopping in real mall, so they go for a cyber mall. Currently, there are so many promotion of selling things going on all over the cyber space, through web sites. It is absolutely more convenience. But for those who are not familiar with shopping online, there is something you should know before doing so. You should learn how to secure your order with your credit card, how to notice whether the web site you are interested in is for real, how to pick which web site is the best deal of your particular stuff, and so forth.

Tonn Rak

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